The Last Word

Novel Reviews

Books by Robert Jordan

Visit the author's blog, now occasionally contributed to by his family

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The Wheel of Time

Crossroads of Twilight Cover

Crossroads of Twilight

Knife of Dreams Cover

Knife of Dreams

The Gathering Storm Cover

The Gathering Storm

Towers of Midnight Cover

Towers of Midnight

A Memory of Light Cover

A Memory of Light


This is The Last Word, I’m Benjamin Randall and this is my website of novel reviews. On the home page are the most recent two reviews that have been written. The featured reviews page holds a list of my favorite books, the books featured there I would recommend to anyone. The archives hold a comprehensive list of all of the books I have reviewed sorted alphabetically by the author. A little about me is I am a multimedia artist, web developer and author living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Please enjoy your stay!