About Me

Benjamin Randall Portrait

The above photo was created by Damian Blunt.

I am Benjamin Randall and I am a graduate of the New Media Production and Design course at SAIT Polytechnic in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I am a multimedia artist and developer, as well as a fantasy author on the side. When I'm not working on one project or another I am generally trying to keep up with my growing “to read list,” playing video games, or writing short stories.

Many may ask, “why am I here, why am I in in this field?” During my final year in high school I spent a lot of time trying to decide where I should take my life, what career should I pursue? The thought that kept reoccurring in my mind was, will I enjoy my work or will it just turn out to be another job? That is why I choose to pursue an occupation in the multimedia field. I am here because this is what I enjoy doing. Multimedia is my passion.

What do I do exactly? I am a web developer, Flash programmer, photographer and a 3D artist. My knowledge of code for web and Flash extends to XHTML, HTML5, PHP, CSS and ActionScript. I can work with much of the Adobe Creative Suite; this collection of software that I am familiar with includes Adobe’s Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, Premier, After Effects and Dreamweaver. As a photographer I use a Nikon D5100 DSLR camera. My 3D projects are all done in Autodesk’s 3DS Max.


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Multimedia Artist & Developer

Templar Staring Christmas Sleigh Templar
True Miracles Sun Fence Photograph Zelda Sword and Shield True Miracles
Zelda Sword and Shield Path Photograph Pond Photograph Zelda Sword and Shield
Marble Studios marble Lawn Mower Game Landscape Marble Studios marble
Marble Studios marble Shield Apartment Counter Render Marble Studios marble
Street Lamp Portrait Cannon Render Street Lamp
Droplets Photograph Marble Studios marble Entry Render Droplets Photograph
Zelda Sword and Shield Snowflakes Photograph Search and Find Screenshot Zelda Sword and Shield
Christmas Sleigh Water Photograph Templar Render Christmas Sleigh
Kitchen Nightmares graphic novel title Spiral Kitchen
Knight Asteroids Game Bench Photograph Knight
Search and Find Screenshot Hill Path Knight Search and Find Screenshot