Benjamin Randall

Multimedia Freelancer

Web Developer - 3D Artist

Visual Artisan - Writer

Fragments Gallery

Scent of Decay

You look out the window, staring at that static grey world that stretches before you. Skeletal trees wave in the gentle wind; the old wood creaks and groans as it sways. The trees stand neatly in a row, obviously they have been well looked after and maintained. Past the row of stood a weathered fence and past that a wide field of wheat stubble that stretches as far as the eye can see.

Wind brings the musty scent of decayed vegetation to your nostrils; the odour is faintly tinged with the fragrance of rain. Perhaps soon it would shower. It matters little to you, sheltered as you are by the porch overhang above. Whether or not the rain falls matters little to you, you won't feel a drop of wet. You reconsider, maybe it did matter. Rain was always beautiful to watch.

A distant dust cloud rises and races across the horizon. The trail dissipates rapidly; you know it must be from a car racing along that distant road. Unconcerned with the blemish they leave in their wake some person races towards, or away from, something else in their life. Everyone was always going somewhere else.

Your eyes close and you relax. You feel the waves of air that wash across your skin. You feel the subtle warmth of the sun as it peeks out from behind a cloud. You feel... alone.

It's that same old feeling of longing. If you could just see them one more time, hold their hand in yours, speak your mind. If only you could return to how it was before everything changed. If only you could have them back.

But phrasing it like that doesn't sound right. It isn't you that lost them; instead they lost you.

The wind picks up and with it the scent of rain grows, it overpowers the smell of decay. The old fragrance of death was replaced with something fresh.

A reoccurring thought returns to you; it as time to let go of them and move on; no matter how hard that seemed. The recalled memory of them fades as you relax. Muscles loosen at the back of your neck and your mind drifts. The chilled atmosphere is soothing somehow.

Things don’t always go as planned, but you only have control over yourself. Others are free to act as they please. You can’t account for everything. Sometimes when dealing with another there is only one course of action left to you. When they won’t stop hurting you, you can always let go and move on.

It would feel so much better to finally fully let go.

Much better.