Benjamin Randall

Multimedia Freelancer

Web Developer - 3D Artist

Visual Artisan - Writer

Fragments Gallery

Plans for Power

They call me the shadow, sometimes anyways. Other times they call me a murderer. Or an Assassin. I am these things and yet I'm not. They are only part of what I do. I'm also a thief. A merchant. A statesman. A courier. I'm anything that I have to be to play my part.

In my forty years I have served many masters. I have stolen for many causes. Slain many foes. Yet… I am not satisfied. A find that I want more. Not wealth, gold has ceased to have any meaning for me. No… I wish for more influence, more power. I'm willing to do anything I must. If that means I must start this war then I will. I can live with their blood on my hands so long as I can achieve my goal.

My new master… she is something different. Never before have I seen such devotion to a cause, even when that cause is her own rise in power. However she is cautious… she has ways of ensuring that her followers, and yes for now I am among their number, will continue to obey her. For each of her agents she asks something different to ensure their loyalty. For me, she asked to rip my heart from my chest. I accepted in a heartbeat. I can always find a way out of her snare later. At the moment though… for the power she offers it is a price I am willing to pay.

For now I am sealed to her, which is fine by me. My job now is to sow discord across the world and in doing so prepare the way for her armies… when they strike no one can be able to muster a strong enough defense. They all must be overwhelmed.

It will be easy enough. The rebels have been hiding in their island fortress for years, just waiting as they increase their influence and find allies. They should be easily enough pushed to war. Meanwhile the empire has let their guard down as they believe that the rebels have been crushed and as such they have enjoyed peace for several years. Soon they will turn their eyes elsewhere as they seek to claim more territory. In that time I will ensure the rebels will strike, and after they have weakened each other sufficiently my master will have her forces prepared to move in and take control.

I will play my part well and the world will dance according to my plan.

No they have all called me by the wrong names for years. I am a puppet master.