Benjamin Randall

Multimedia Freelancer

Web Developer - 3D Artist

Visual Artisan - Writer

Fragments Gallery

A Note: Ghosts

As I walk through the halls at the center of the city I can't help but wonder, are we ghosts? We wander through those halls, seen by all and yet not remembered, we speak but nothing is heard. Instead we fade, and those around us fade, until we are all alone in those halls. We see them walk past but individuals seen fade into the mass of the crowd. People blend together until we see no individuals; instead we can only see the group. Individuality is masked as we rush through the halls.

We always rush. Whirling around seeking… something. Something which remains unseen. Much as a ghost might walk through a closed door while trying to do… something. Just as a ghost would ignore us people walk through the halls and we remain unseen.

As surrounded by people as you are at the center, in the core, you cannot help but to feel more alone than ever. You feel like a ghost.