Benjamin Randall

Multimedia Freelancer

Web Developer - 3D Artist

Visual Artisan - Writer

Fragments Gallery

A Note: Exploration

Humans are explorers. All of us explore in one way or another. Whether we go out to see the wide open world, explore through research or just discover new things in our environment we all explore. People all just go about it differently.

Some folks are methodical, others chaotic in the exploration. We move with precision, our focus constantly on the goal, or we wander and meander forever lost in our search but discovering new things we never knew existed along the way.

Is life a search? I think it is.

You might ask though, what are we searching for? Who knows? I know I sure don't.

Some never find what they're looking for, others find it and begin to search for something new. And it seems to me that it's all unconsciously done. It's almost as though we have this innate and natural curiosity which drives us to continue looking.

We say that we hunt for many things. Many uncover scientific and technological advancements, some wish to explore the geography of our fair earth. Others still tell of their hunt for love, for friends, for happiness, for riches and for good times.

The thing is, maybe none of us are exactly sure of where we're going.

Maybe it's better that way.