Benjamin Randall

Multimedia Freelancer

Web Developer - 3D Artist

Visual Artisan - Writer

Fragments Gallery

Maybe Too Late

The night is a swirl of lights and glitter as the feeling of Christmas settles on the world. Christmas cheer echoes in people’s voices and gleams in their eyes as they revel in the holiday season. One can almost feel the Christmas spirit in the air.

You sit inside a bar at the heart of the city. Around you mirthful voices are raised in laughter as people you know joke and smile, celebrating the end of the year. Freedom. Your own dark drink swirls as you raise the glass to your lips and the cool liquid pours down your throat. You share a smile with someone across the table. It's a good night.

A familiar voice catches your attention. It's the voice you'd been waiting to hear. You turn with a smile on your face. Your smile fades. They didn't come alone. They brought someone else. Together they laugh as you turn back to your drink, your world in turmoil. You take another drink and set the glass back down on the polished wood. Your eyes are drawn back to the end of the table.

Someone nearby looks at you and reads the expression painted across your face. With a small frown they follow your gaze and then their eyebrows rise as they see where you are watching.

"Why not?" they murmur as they turn back to you, watching you intently, "You could at least try."

Your only response is to shrug… now wasn't the time, this wasn't the place. Besides, you have reasons not to. Whether you're scared, too tired of heartbreak or just willing to leave things as they are you have reasons not to say what you feel. Maybe you'd just sooner keep them as a friend than risk losing them. All valid reasons.

But… Christmas is one of the worst times to be alone.

Doing your best to keep your face expressionless you drain your glass, you know people are still watching. A light voice at your shoulder announces that the server has returned, you decline their offer of a fresh drink and ask for your bill; the time has come to leave. The server returns with your change and you rise from your seat. You look over towards where the couple is sitting. Mirthfully they converse and laugh, reveling in the evening's atmosphere. Maybe it's too late.

You turn your back on the table and leave the bar.

Too late.