Benjamin Randall

Multimedia Freelancer

Web Developer - 3D Artist

Visual Artisan - Writer

Fragments Gallery

Keeping Promises

The Duke stood alone on his keep's balcony. A faint smile graced his lips as he stared across Hearthhold, the small town which was the core of his lands. The evening sun made all that rested before him glow. Outside the boundaries of his town the light shimmered off the hundreds of patches of water in the plains. He could not help but think that his lands were very beautiful indeed.

Duke Trias was middle aged; his long shoulder length greying hair was tied back in a knot which sat just above his thick fur collar. Roving green eyes peered out of his weathered face past his crooked nose. His rich ruby red robes hung stiffly in the frail breeze. A single black ring with gold edging adorned his finger; it showed he was a widower.

"The view is lovely isn't it?"

Trias looked around in shock at the voice, no man entered his presence without announcement and he had been quite alone on this balcony. But now a young man stood behind him casually leaning in the doorway off the balcony leading to his quarters. The Duke's hand shot to his side where a small dagger rested.

"Who are you?" Demanded the Duke. His eyes flashed as he spoke, "Who let you in here?"

"Oh I let myself in… I tend to do that," The young man grinned, "As for who I am, you can call me Sionar."

"Guards!" Roared the Duke, "Intruder in my quarters!"

"Don't worry; they can't hear you," The mysterious man smiled, "No one can. However you have my word that you will not be injured by my hand. When I leave you will remain unscathed."

Trias didn't seem comforted by his words, "Who do you serve?"

"I am unaligned; I have my own… interests."

"Such as?"

"Interests much below the caring of someone of your rank I'm sure," Sionar responded casually as he stepped free of the doorway and began to move closer to the balcony. By its own accord the door slammed shut behind him and a shimmering barrier appeared before the solid wood, "You see I am here at request of some folks who have something they wish to say to you."

"I demand that you leave, they can come speak to me themselves," Trias said obviously displeased by the evasive answer and more than a little worried. The Duke's hand tightened around the hilt of his dagger.

Sionar took note of the dagger and smiled indulgently. He murmured something and the dagger faded away. Ignoring the older man's spluttered curses Sionar began to speak again.

"You see… when you think about it you only remain in command here so long as your people let you," said Sionar conversationally as he wandered towards the edge of the balcony," Even if his majesty the king decrees that you are the lord here that illusion only remains so long as your people let you remain their leader. I’m sure you’re thinking the guards will protect you. However the truth is the guards may not all belong to you; some of them will belong to their families down in the village. In the end those people will have the power to remove you."

From the town down below came a roar that steadily began to grow. Trias tore his eyes from the young man to look down over the balcony's edge. Down below bobbing lanterns began to pour out of the dark houses.

"Why would they want to?" asked the Duke, his eyes frantically searching the younger man's face.

"That's easy… they know," Sionar's voice took on a grim edge, "They found out about those young men whom you knowingly sent to their deaths. That situation could have easily avoided, but to you it seemed to be the cleanest way to fix your mistakes. Someone may have suggested to them that if you did it once… you could very easily do it again. You have betrayed their trust; you swore to protect these people. They know you have failed. That is why they come. Revenge and fear drive them."

"How could they know?" Breathed the Duke in a whisper meant for his own ears, "No one who knows the truth survived."

"You're wrong my Lord," said Sionar mockingly, his gaze hard and uncaring. Without another word he turned his back on the Duke and began to walk to the edge of the balcony.

"Save me!" Demanded the Duke, his eyes were wide with fear, "I can offer much as a reward."

"I can't do that, I gave you my word that when I left you would remain uninjured. If I remain much longer you will not remain uninjured, although your injury will not come from my hand," Sionar said coolly. He pointed at the door and continued, "And I gave them my word that they would find their justice upon this balcony. You see… I am a man of my word. What I say you can hold me to. If you had done as you said you would. If you had protected these people as you are sworn to do… well you might not be in this situation."

With that he swirled and shadows wrapped around him fully obscuring him from sight. When the shadows faded Sionar was gone.

The barrier faded from the door, but as Trias started towards it the door burst open. In through it poured townsfolk, their eyes glittering with fury.

They had come.

As promised.