Lost Cause Media

The Lost Cause Media website was done for class where I was part of a small production company. The other members of my team were Krista Gordon, Desiree Peters, and Terry Zielke. In the assignment we had to find a non-profit organization and we had to define and develop a multimedia project for the client. After meeting with Rob and Kristin, the two individuals who formed Lost Cause Media, we agreed to design and develop a new website for the non-profit organization. The dark and smooth website design created a perfect exhibition of our client’s photography to assist them as they continue to speak for little known good causes. The website features the stunning photography of Lost Cause Media.

Lost Cause Media website screen capture Lost Cause Media website screen capture Lost Cause Media website screen capture Lost Cause Media website screen capture Lost Cause Media website screen capture

Multimedia Artist & Developer

Templar Staring Christmas Sleigh Templar
True Miracles Sun Fence Photograph Zelda Sword and Shield True Miracles
Zelda Sword and Shield Path Photograph Pond Photograph Zelda Sword and Shield
Marble Studios marble Lawn Mower Game Landscape Marble Studios marble
Marble Studios marble Shield Apartment Counter Render Marble Studios marble
Street Lamp Portrait Cannon Render Street Lamp
Droplets Photograph Marble Studios marble Entry Render Droplets Photograph
Zelda Sword and Shield Snowflakes Photograph Search and Find Screenshot Zelda Sword and Shield
Christmas Sleigh Water Photograph Templar Render Christmas Sleigh
Kitchen Nightmares graphic novel title Spiral Kitchen
Knight Asteroids Game Bench Photograph Knight
Search and Find Screenshot Hill Path Knight Search and Find Screenshot